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Daily Prayers for Clergy

Daily Prayers for Clergy and Communities



Our Daily Prayers calendar includes a prayer for our clergy, and also a prayer for a community each day.

The Daily Prayers calendar is an initiative of the diocesan Vocations Awareness and Appreciation Committee to help foster support for vocations and share gratitude to our priests and deacons for their presence and work in our parishes. The calendar now includes a prayer for our parishes and the communities they serve as well. 

Is your community listed?
Communities are listed as they appear in our diocesan directory, but there are many other communities served by the parishes listed.
To add a community name to the prayer list, email Jennifer Hatt, Communications Officer

Download your copy of the Daily Prayers Calendar to join in a prayer each day for our clergy and communities.

We may also offer up:

Eucharistic Exposition
Holy Hour
Other Devotions

About Vocations
Questions about Vocations? The ABCS of Fostering Vocations is among several good web resources for parents to introduce and discuss vocations with their children. For example: A: Answer your children’s questions honestly B: Bring your family to an ordination mass C: Cultivate an attitude of service Connect to the complete list here. Related links: Seven Ways Families Can Foster Vocations, from Vianney Vocations.com Ideas for Fostering Vocations, from The Practicing Catholic.com