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Create Hope: Reaping Our Rights

“On March 17, we will celebrate Solidarity Sunday. I invite you to help Create Hope by giving generous support to the 2024 Share Lent collection in our diocese.” – Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick


Pastoral Note:
Share Lent Campaign Development and Peace – Caritas Canada (DPCC) 2024

My Dear People,

Development and Peace was established in 1967 by the Canadian Bishops to help build a better world by engaging people in the work of bringing about a more just sharing of the gift of God’s creation and resources of the world with the most impoverished of our brothers and sisters.

At the heart of Development and Peace’s transformative work are the education, action, and fundraising campaigns that bring thousands of Canadians together every year. Development and Peace launched a five-year theme under the banner – Create Hope. This year’s specific theme Reaping our Rights echoes Pope Francis’s words in Laudate Deum: “Everything is connected” and “No one is saved alone.” We are asked to work together as we consider human rights and environmental rights.

This is why we invite you to become involved with Development and Peace to help such people in the Global South, “Reap their Rights.” We are invited to share our solidarity with those who defend the lands, waters, and forests that sustain them, as well as the culture, history, and identity that defines them. 

On March 17, we will celebrate Solidarity Sunday. I invite you to help Create Hope by giving generous support to the 2024 Share Lent collection in our diocese. You are invited to donate through your Share Lent envelope or online.

If you have not yet ordered the free Share Lent materials for your parish, you can do so at Resources Lent 2024 | Development and Peace – Caritas Canada (devp.org)

If you have any questions about the campaign or the Share Lent materials, you are invited to contact our Regional DPCC animator, Adah Ogbe at aogbe@devp.org.

Thank you for your prayers and generous support.


+ Wayne Joseph Kirkpatrick



Everywhere on Earth, and especially in the Global South, impoverished populations are facing growing challenges due to climate change, land grabbing, resource theft, soil contamination and armed conflict.

Rural populations are particularly affected by these upheavals, and Development and Peace — Caritas Canada supports them in defending their rights to life, land, water, biodiversity, justice, health, participation, decent livelihoods, a healthy environment and more.



Visit https://devp.org/en/campaign/reaping-our-rights/ for Lenten resources, ways to donate, and more. 


Virtual Lenten Calendar


Solidarity Calendar

Print version are available for download as well. 

Communications Officer, Diocese of Antigonish