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“The shrine
is a privileged place to experience mercy that knows no boundaries.”
– Pope Francis

We are home to three diocesan shrines:

  • Our Lady of Guadaloupe, Johnstown
  • Our Lady of Sorrows, Mabou
  • Our Lady of Grace, Monastery

The shrines are open year-round, with special events scheduled throughout the year.

Mother of Sorrows

Shrine open Year-Round
Gift Shop open May-September

45 SW Ridge Rd.
Mabou, NS B0E 1X0
ph 902-945-2221

Our Lady of Grace

Open Year-Round Accommodations available Daily and Weekend Masses Walking Trails

940 Monastery Rd., Monastery, NS B0H 1W0
ph 902-232-2214

Our Lady of Guadaloupe

Open Year-Round Outdoor Shrine
and devotional space inside church

Highway #4 Johnstown, NS B2E 1A5