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COVID 19 update


From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
April 5, 2022

During Holy Week this year, we will be able to retain most of the traditional practices and yet we may want to adapt how we celebrate.

As an Act of Charity, out of concern for other people, I recommend that we strongly encourage our people to continue wearing masks when they come into our churches.   
I will continue to dispense from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass for people who may not be able to attend for health reasons, as well as for those who care for them. 

Passion Sunday – Palm branches can be distributed without any restrictions. 

Chrism Mass – The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral.  Following Mass, all will be invited to a coffee/tea reception.

Holy Thursday – There may be foot-washing.  We will not be offering it at the Cathedral. 

Good Friday – The Veneration of the Cross will be by genuflection or a reverent bow. 

Please be generous in the Good Friday collection for the Needs of the Church in Holy Land.  Due to COVID, pilgrims have not come to the Holy Land these past few years.  Without the warmth and solidarity of pilgrims, families have suffered from lack of work.

May Holy Week be a time of spiritual renewal for us. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.


From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
March 28, 2022

As of March 21, all current Public Health restrictions and mandates ended, but this does not mean that the pandemic has ended.
It will be important to use personal public health measures, both individually and collectively, to help keep each other safe, especially those who are at increased risk of severe disease due to age and/or underlying health issues.
Although masking and social distancing will no longer be required in most indoor settings including our churches, we should still encourage masking and some measure of social distancing.  We need time to make the adjustment to the so-called ‘new normal’ as we learn to live with COVID.

As a true Act of Charity, out of concern for other people, I recommend that we strongly encourage our people to continue wearing masks when they come into our churches.   
I will continue to dispense from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass for people who may not be able to attend for health reasons, as well as for those who care for them.  

Let us be hospitable and welcome people back as we also respect their health concerns.



Letter from Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
February 24, 2022

My Dear Clergy and My Dear People,

In providing a COVID-19 update on Wednesday, Premier Tim Houston and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health announced that there will be less restrictive measures effective Monday, February 28, 2022.  The requirement for proof of vaccination to attend discretionary gatherings / events / activities ends.  This means that as of this date, all activities held by a faith organization will no longer require proof of vaccination.

Phase two of reopening will begin on March 7. 


We will need to continue wearing masks and maintain physical distancing but now faith gatherings indoor and outdoors may have up to 75 % capacity.  Congregational singing is permitted with masks. Wearing a mask is required when performing except when musicians are singing or playing a wind instrument. Masks are recommended for choirs.

Weddings and funerals may be celebrated following the same protocols of 75% capacity including visitation and receptions with social distancing and masks. Congregational singing is permitted with masks. Masks are recommended for choirs.

On March 21, all current Public Health restrictions and mandates will end.  This does not mean that the pandemic has ended.  It will be important to use personal public health measures, both individually and collectively, to help keep each other safe, especially those who are at increased risk of severe disease due to age and/or underling health issues.


I support these directives and I instruct that our churches follow these provincial protocols. 

Fraternally in Christ,

+ Wayne Kirkpatrick

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick



Letter from Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
February 11, 2022
(Our Lady of Lourdes – World Day of the Sick)

My Dear Clergy and My Dear People,

In providing a COVID-19 update on Wednesday, Premier Tim Houston and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health announced that the province will enter Phase One of a three phase re-opening plan with less restrictive measures effective Monday, February 14, 2022.

We will need to continue wearing masks and maintain physical distancing but now faith gatherings indoor and outdoors may have up to 50 % capacity. Congregational singing is permitted with masks. Wearing a mask is required when performing except when musicians are singing or playing a wind instrument. Masks are recommended for choirs.

Weddings and funerals may be celebrated following the same protocols of 50% capacity including visitation and receptions with social distancing and masks. Congregational singing is permitted with masks. Masks are recommended for choirs.

Our regular faith services do not require proof of vaccination but weddings and funerals still do, unless there are only there are only 25 people or less in attendance. Proof of vaccination is not required for officiants. Receptions and visitation are only permitted with proof of vaccination.

I support these directives and I instruct that our churches follow these provincial protocols. Please find details of this re-opening plan with the following link at https://novascotia.ca/reopening-plan/ 

Let us entrust the sick, healthcare workers and all those who assist the suffering to Mary, Mother of Mercy and Health of the Infirm.

Fraternally in Christ,

+ Wayne Kirkpatrick

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick



Pope Francis on COVID vaccines says health care a ‘moral obligation’
From AP News (apnews.com) 
January 10, 2021

From the article:

“Francis used some of his strongest words yet calling for people to get vaccinated in a speech to ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, an annual event in which he sets out the Vatican’s foreign policy goals for the year.

Francis, 85, has generally shied away from speaking about vaccination as a “moral obligation,” though his COVID-19 advisors have referred to it as a “moral responsibility.” Rather, Francis has termed vaccination as “an act of love” and that refusing to get inoculated was “suicidal.”

On Monday he went a step further, saying that individuals had a responsibility to care for themselves “and this translates into respect for the health of those around us. Health care is a moral obligation,” he asserted.”

Read the full article here



Letter from Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
December 21, 2021
(St. Peter Canisius, Doctor of the Church)

My Dear Clergy and My Dear People,

In providing a COVID -19 update today, Premier Tim Houston and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health announced that the province will require further restrictive measures effective tomorrow, December 22, 2021.

We will need to continue wearing masks and maintain physical distancing and now faith gatherings indoor and outdoors are limited to 25 % capacity to a maximum of 50 people.  No choirs or congregational singing will be permitted but there can be one person singing.  

Wedding and funeral Masses may be celebrated following the same protocols of 25 % capacity to a maximum of 50 people but there can be no receptions. 
Here is the revised set of provincial guidelines for faith gatherings:


Such restrictions are a major disappointment for all of us especially as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, but as Bishop, I support these directives and I instruct that our churches follow these provincial protocols. 

Fraternally in Christ,

+ Wayne Kirkpatrick

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick


Letter from Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
Dec. 14, 2021 
(Feast of St. John of the Cross)

My Dear Clergy and Dear People,

I want to share with you the latest update that we received from Dr. Strang yesterday.   As you know we are going to have to bring back SOME of the restrictions that were in place with Phase Four.  We are doing this to slow the spread of COVID and keep people safe.  Masking will be required, along with gathering limits and physical distancing.  We will need to provide safe distancing for our faith services.  At this point we are not required to do contact tracing. We will be limited to 50% capacity up to 150 people indoors and 250 people outdoors even though we do not have outdoor faith services.  Please read the details in the email directed to Faith Leaders that come into effect Friday, December 17 at 9 a.m.  As Bishop, I support these restrictions.


+ Wayne


From Dr. Robert Strang:

Dear Faith Leaders,

As you’ve likely heard, we announced earlier today (Dec. 13th)  that due to the arrival of the omicron variant and the current epidemiology in Nova Scotia, we are returning to provincewide restrictions. While we don’t have an end date, it’s intended to be a short-term measure to protect Nova Scotians and our health system while we learn how this new variant behaves and continue to increase our vaccination coverage.

The key restrictions that come into effect at 9:00 am Friday Dec. 17th and which will affect faith organizations are:

Return to physical distance requirement, as in phase 4, of 6 feet between individuals or between groups of no more than 20 people from the same household or pre-established close social group.
Return to gathering limit for gatherings hosted by a recognized business or organization – 50% of an indoor venue’s capacity to a maximum of 150, or 250 outdoors.
Return to people must be seated to remove their masks for eating and drinking.

Our website will be updated with these restrictions this Friday. In the meantime, you can the news release here:


The following is an updated overview of rules and guidance for faith organizations with the new restrictions included:

Starting December 17, faith services, events and other activities need to abide by the physical distance requirement and formal gathering limits – 50% of an indoor room or venue’s capacity to a maximum of 150, or 250 outdoors. This means if your facility normally holds 100 people, then your limit is 50 (because that’s 50% of capacity). If your facility normally holds 600, your limit is 150 because that is the maximum. During this time, we strongly recommend that singing only be done by the choir or leader(s) of song, and not by the congregation.  Faith organizations with large venues that have a previously approved plan to accommodate multiple, but fully separated groups of up to 150 people, can re-implement this plan.

Proof of full vaccination is required for any other events and activities hosted by a faith organization, including social time after a service, bible study, youth group, retreats, community meals, fundraisers or meetings, holiday concerts and special events, and activities and events held in rental spaces. It is also required when people rent/use the church’s facilities (like a hall or other rooms) for events like a wedding reception or leisure activities/clubs like quilting or book club. Masking is required at such events except when people are actively eating or drinking (starting December 17, they must be seated to eat/drink), when officiants are speaking, or when performers are speaking/singing/playing a wind instrument. In addition, from December 17 to at least the new year, physical distance is required and formal gathering limits are in place for these events and activities – 50% of an indoor venue’s capacity to a maximum of 150, or 250 outdoors.

Proof of full vaccination is not required for a regular faith service, such as daily or weekly services. Services that are part of your faith’s annual calendar (such as Christmas and Easter services in Christian faiths) are considered the same as regular daily/weekly services – no proof of full vaccination is required. If a singer, organist or choir needs to practice for a regular service and if people need to clean or prepare the place of worship for regular services, proof of full vaccination is not required.

If a faith organization holds multiple regular or special services in a single day, they are encouraged to consider making one or more of the services for vaccinated people only to accommodate people who require or are seeking a greater level of safety and to decrease overall exposure risks.

Masking is required throughout these services, whether people are seated or not, except for officiants or singers when they are speaking or singing. Both you as an organization and the people who attend your services and activities have a responsibility to ensure mask rules are followed.  While people with a valid medical reason for not wearing a mask need to be accommodated, these valid medical reasons are infrequent and this should not be a reason for significant numbers of people in a single congregation to be unmasked.  Supporting the use of this medical exception is inappropriate.

Home-based activities hosted by a family or individual are considered informal gatherings. Proof of full vaccination, masks and physical distance are not required. However, starting December 17 and until at least the new year, there can be no more than 20 people indoors or outdoors and they must all be from the same household or consistent social group – in other words, they are the same people you do all your socializing with. This may mean that you aren’t able to host some of your usual activities at someone’s home for a little while.

Proof of full vaccination is not required for officiants or employees of a business or organization (including faith organizations) but it is required for volunteers. It isn’t required for business meetings in the workplace when they involve people who regularly work together and where the general public is not present (unless they’re held in a rental space). However, from December 17 to at least the new year, physical distance is required and formal gathering limits are in place for meetings hosted by a recognized business or organization – 50% of an indoor venue’s capacity to a maximum of 150, or 250 outdoors.

Proof of full vaccination is required for participants (not officiants) at weddings, funerals and other ceremonies – even if they take place in a church or other faith facility. In addition, from December 17 to at least the new year, physical distance is required and formal gathering limits are in place for weddings and funerals hosted by a recognized business or organization – 50% of an indoor venue’s capacity to a maximum of 150, or 250 outdoors.

Proof of full vaccination is not required for indoor and outdoor funeral services with a maximum of 25 participants (not including officiants or funeral home staff). Everyone must wear masks and physical distance is required. For any visitation and receptions, proof of full vaccination is still required, masks are required in indoor public places, and physical distance is required and formal gathering limits are in place – 50% of an indoor venue’s capacity to a maximum of 150, or 250 outdoors.

If a faith organization is offering mental health and addictions support groups, programs, services for vulnerable populations, food bank services, shelters or meal programs for vulnerable populations (including dine-in), or space for any of these activities, proof of full vaccination is not required for people accessing those services or for employees providing them, but it is required for volunteers. From December 17 to at least the new year, physical distance is required and formal gathering limits are in place – 50% of an indoor venue’s capacity to a maximum of 150, or 250 outdoors. Masks continue to be required except when people are eating/drinking and they must be seated for this.

Due to the highly infectious nature of the Omicron variant it is strongly recommended that there not be congregational singing at this time.  If members of the congregation do sing they are required to remain masked.

I understand it’s a difficult time of year to reintroduce these restrictions. However, our cautious approach has served us very well through the pandemic to date. I ask for your continued support to help keep your faith community and everyone in our province safe.


Dr. Robert Strang
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Department of Health and Wellness



Issued by Dr. Robert Strang,
Chief Medical Officer of Public Health, Nova Scotia

Nov. 5, 2021

Dear Faith Leaders,

At today’s media briefing I informed Nova Scotians that the increased case numbers we are seeing are from several clusters of cases, primarily in Northern and Western Health Zones, related to several faith groups participating in a single multi-day event.  This situation presents an opportunity to reinforce some key information on what is currently required in faith gatherings and events under the Public Health order and the COVID-19 Protocol for Proof of Full Vaccination for Events and Activities.

Proof of Vaccination

Proof of full vaccination is not required for a regular faith service, such as daily or weekly services. Services that are part of your faith’s annual calendar (such as Christmas and Easter services in Christian faiths) are considered the same as regular daily/weekly services – no proof of full vaccination is required. If a Remembrance Day service is combined with a regular daily or weekly service, no proof of full vaccination is required. But if it’s an additional special service, then proof is required.

Proof of full vaccination is required for participants (not officiants) at weddings, funerals and other ceremonies – even if they take place in a church or other faith facility. However, it is not required for indoor and outdoor funeral services with a maximum of 25 participants (not including officiants or funeral home staff). Proof of full vaccination is still required for visitation and receptions.

As an aside, please note that we are currently not granting any exception requests for people to enter Nova Scotia to attend a funeral. Anyone who is not fully vaccinated at least 14 days before arriving must self-isolate for at least 7 days and get 2 negative test results in Nova Scotia to stop isolating.

Proof of full vaccination is required any events and activities hosted by a faith organization, including social time after a service, bible study, youth group, retreats, community meals or fundraisers. It is also required when people rent/use the church’s facilities (like a hall or other rooms) for events like a wedding reception or leisure activities/clubs like playing cards.

If a faith organization is offering space for mental health and addictions support groups or for programs and services for vulnerable populations, proof of full vaccination is not required. If faith organizations are offering food bank services, shelters or meal programs for vulnerable populations (including dine-in), proof of full vaccination is not required for people accessing those services or for employees providing them. It is required for volunteers providing them.

I encourage you to carefully review the protocol for further details. Please note that there are resources at the end that will help your organizations when you are hosting events and activities where proof of full vaccination is required.


The wearing of masks https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/masks/ in faith services and gatherings is required with the following exceptions:

(a) is less than 2 years of age or age 2 to 4 years and their caregiver cannot persuade them to wear a mask;

(b) for whom the wearing of a mask is not possible because of the person’s medical condition;

(c) is reasonably accommodated by not wearing a mask in accordance with the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act;

(e) removes the mask momentarily for identification or ceremonial purposes (e.g. post wedding ceremony kiss)

(g) is an officiant (preaching) or performer (choir signing but not congregational singing) in the course of performing activities requiring vocalization such as talking or singing at the event or activity

General information on other measures that you are encouraged to use and follow is at https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/avoiding-infection/

We understand everyone is eager for life to become more normal and we look forward to a time when we’re able to lift restrictions further. For now, as we continue to navigate the fourth wave of the pandemic, I thank you for your continued efforts to keep your congregations safe from COVID-19.


Dr. Robert Strang




October 14, 2021
Feast of St. Callistus, who oversaw the first Christian cemetery in Rome

My Dear Clergy and Faithful,

The concerns of people have been heard and there is recognition of the need to allow families to mourn the passing of loved ones. Yesterday, Doctor Strang informed faith leaders that Section 16.8 of the Public Health Order of the province has been revised “to incorporate legal authority  for a business or organization (including a faith organization)” such as our churches to host a funeral service outside the Proof of Vaccine Protocol if it adheres to the following:

(a) a maximum of 25 persons attend (excluding the officiant and funeral home staff);

(b) all persons in attendance wear a mask at the funeral service, both indoors and outdoors;

(c) all persons (staff and attendees) who are unwell do not attend the funeral service; and

(d) any business or organization that hosts a funeral service outside the parameters set out sections (a) to (c) must adhere to the POV Protocol.

An online update will be issued today to reflect this change.  This change applies only to funeral services and not the visitation or reception.  It also does not apply to wedding services.


+ Wayne Kirkpatrick

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick


October 5. 2021

Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, has confirmed that ” proof of vaccination is required for indoor and outdoor wedding ceremonies and funerals (including receptions and visitation) that are hosted by a business or organization. This includes those held in a church, temple, synagogue, mosque.”
Faith services are deemed an essential service for which no proof of vaccine is required. 
However, as clarified, weddings and funerals are included with the activities requiring proof of vaccination. 


October 4, 2021   (Feast of St. Francis of Assisi)

My Dear Clergy and Faithful,

On Sunday from the Book of Genesis, we heard that God does not want us to be alone.  From the beginning, faith is about relationship.  It is about ‘the we and the us’ in our world together.  It is about the ‘me and we’ with God.  We have been challenged to maintain a relationship with our God and with one another through the COVID pandemic that still lingers on. A global tragedy such as the COVID-19 pandemic “momentarily revived the sense that we are a global community, all in the same boat, where one person’s problems are the problems of all. Once more we realized that no one is saved alone; we can only be saved together” Fratelli tutti #32. 

Like many, I am astounded by those who deny the pandemic and by those people, apart from medical reasons, who refuse to be vaccinated. Pope Francis has urged all to be vaccinated.

We have lived the consequences of a worldwide pandemic that has claimed the lives of five million people. We have lived with the consequences of a certain degree of isolation that up until now was unimaginable. This pandemic has tested us, but in some strange way, it has strengthened our relationships with one another. As we enter ‘Phase Five’ in our province, we search for new ways of being with one another.  It is not good for us to be alone. We need to gather again with our faith communities. People who are not able to attend church for health reasons and those who care for them are dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass.

Premier Tim Houston and Doctor Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health indicated that Phase 5 of the reopening plan would take effect today.  As Bishop, I support these directives. 
You can read the news release in English or French.

English: https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20210929005

French:  https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20210929006


Most, but not all restrictions are lifted, although some remain in place:

·      masks will continue to be mandatory for indoor public places

·      the physical distancing requirement will be lifted

·      the gathering limits for our church services will be lifted

·      contact tracing will not be required, except for weddings and funerals since these faith gatherings may bring in people from outside our territory

·      our Church services are deemed to be essential by the government

·      proof of full vaccination will be required for non-essential events and activities

·      Unfortunately, any activities held by our churches other than daily or weekly Mass will be subject to the POV, the proof of vaccine policy.  For organized parish activities, the gathering limits will be lifted but the POV policy will apply.

·       If it is a regular group with the same people, then proof of vaccination can be obtained once and does not need to be done each time this same group meets. 


There are no restrictions on singing but congregations will be required to remain masked.  We need to re-introduce all aspects of our Eucharistic Liturgy slowly and carefully.  We want to welcome back our people and assure them that we are gradually and safely re-opening. 

For example, it may be a good idea to continue to provide sanitizing stations for people.  If you have some space, maybe in the short term consider providing an area where some people could maintain social distance from others.  It may be a good idea to continue washing your hands prior to distributing Holy Communion.

Each parish will have to work with their own community to re-open gradually.  All the various ministers need to be gradually re-introduced.  Eucharistic ministers may be hesitant to resume their ministry. There will need to be some discussion about “phasing in the “sign of peace” and receiving from the chalice.  Bringing forth the gifts at the preparation of the altar may be a starting point.  Having ushers take up the offering may be another starting point.  Members of the choir may want to sing but they may want to remain somewhat distant from one another. 

The provincial COVID website: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/ will have a new banner on October 4th linking to healthy habits for living with COVID and preventing other common infections and perhaps we could adopt some of these practices.  Stay safe and keep well.


+Wayne Kirkpatrick

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick



Phase 5 of Reopening Delayed to at least October 4 (Feast of St. Francis)

From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
September 15, 2021

“We will be remaining in Phase 4 in September.  Phase 5 was expected to start Wednesday, September 15.  Due to current epidemiology, Nova Scotia will delay starting Phase 5 of its reopening plan until Oct. 4, when the proof of full vaccination policy begins for certain events and activities.”

The news release is available in English  https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20210914004 

and French  https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20210914005

The current information on the proof of vaccination policy is available online:  


and FAQs are attached. More information will be added to the website as it becomes available.

Provincial COVID briefing: Sept. 14, 2021







From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
September 9, 2021

In providing a COVID -19 update yesterday, Premier Tim Houston and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health announced that the province would most likely enter Phase Five effective September 15 at 12:01 a.m.  This means that wearing face masks, maintaining physical distancing, and contact tracing will no longer be mandatory and there will be no indoor gathering limits.  While masking will no longer be mandatory indoors, it will be strongly recommended that people wear their masks indoors especially with close contact with others.  


As Bishop, I support this directive and I instruct that our churches be fully opened without the need for social distancing effective September 15.  I recommend that we continue to wear masks not only to ensure the safety of all, but also to provide some measure of comfort for those who may be returning to church. Those people who may not be able to attend church for health reasons and those who care for them are dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. Some further good news is that we can return to how we celebrated Mass in the past including singing at Mass.  Perhaps we could ease into implementing such changes gradually as people become more comfortable.  I was pleased to hear at this COVID update that practising one’s faith was deemed to be an essential activity. Indeed, our faith is essential to us.

Amid this year of St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and patron saint of Canada, I note that this COVID Update came on the Feast of the Birth of Mary and that Phase Five will be effective on September 15, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Throughout this pandemic, many of these positive announcements came on Marian feast days.  Many prayers to Mary, the Mother of the Church and to St. Joseph, patron saint and protector of the universal Church have been offered this year guiding us in the path of life.  I believe in the power of prayer.  Keep praying. 

Stay safe and keep well.


+ Wayne Kirkpatrick

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick



From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
July 13, 2021

In providing a COVID -19 update today, Premier Iain Rankin and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health announced that the province will enter Phase Four, effective  July 14.

Phase Four allows for in-person faith gatherings in the province for 50% capacity up to 150 people indoors and up to 250 people outdoors. We will need to continue wearing masks and maintain physical distancing.  

Weddings and funerals (including receptions and visitation) may have 50% capacity up to 150 people indoors and up to 250 people outdoors with social distancing and wearing masks.

For more information of Nova Scotia’s Phase Four reopening:



Re Parish Bingos

From Dr. Robert Strang:

Bingos with a Bingo Lottery Licence can resume and need to follow the same requirements as Liquor licensed (drinking) establishments and the

Reopening Guide for Bingo Operations (PDF),


minimum physical distance of 2 metres (6 feet) between people at different tables

maximum of 25 people (close social group of 25) per table

wearing a mask is required (except when you’re eating or drinking)



From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
June 30, 2021

Premier Iain Rankin and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health have announced that the province will enter Phase Three, effective  June 30.

Phase Three allows for in-person faith gatherings in the province for 50% capacity up to 100 people indoors and up to 150 people outdoors. We will need to continue wearing masks and maintain physical distancing.  As Bishop, I support this directive. 

For more information on Nova Scotia’s Phase Three reopening:




From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
June 15, 2021

In providing a COVID -19 update today (June 15), Premier Iain Rankin and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health announced that the province will enter Phase Two, effective June 16. We will need to continue wearing masks and maintain physical distancing.

Phase Two allows for in-person faith gatherings in the province for 25% capacity up to 50 people. As Bishop, I support this directive and I instruct that our churches now be reopened.  Once again, our parish offices, like our diocesan offices may be reopened to the public.  


We are cautious about the Delta variant of this pandemic but with the vaccination rate up and many more eligible for a second dose of vaccine we are on the right path to a much better summer. We all agree that our faith is essential to us.  Please continue to pray for those who are sick and for those who care for them. We hope that as we celebrate Canada Day, we will be able to enter Phase Three which will enable greater numbers of people for indoors faith gatherings. 



A Pastoral Letter issued by Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
April 28, 2021

My Dear People,

With their third COVID-19 update in two days, Premier Iain Rankin and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robert Strang announced a province-wide shutdown for the next two weeks effective today.

The directive mandates that there be no in-person faith gatherings in the province for the next two weeks. I support this shutdown and direct that our churches remain closed to the public until further notice. Our diocesan and parish offices will be closed to the public during this time.

The new variants of this pandemic have been spreading rapidly. We need to work together to stop the spread of this virus by staying home and limiting our interaction with others.  Our faith is essential to us.  Please continue to pray for those who are sick and for those who care for them. As we celebrate the feast of  St. Joseph the Worker on May 1, we pray that the patron saint and protector of the universal Church and the principal patron saint of Canada will guide us in the path of life.  Stay safe and keep well.


+ Wayne Kirkpatrick

(Most Rev.) Wayne Kirkpatrick


Re Weddings and Funerals:

Effective April 28:

Weddings and funerals services may have 5 people plus the officiants, but there are to be no funeral visitations and receptions and no wedding receptions.
The weddings and funerals services are not open to the public.



From the Pastoral Directives issued by Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
Re Holy Week and The Triduum 2021

A detailed list of directives has been shared with clergy for their use and information to parishioners.
Highlights are listed here.


Q:            What is to be done for the Washing of Feet this year?

A:            This liturgical action is to be completely omitted this year. This is to ensure our compliance with COVID-19 safety protocols. There may not be any substitutions or other gestures inserted into the liturgy such as the washing of hands.


Q:            Can Holy Communion be brought to the sick on Good Friday or Holy Saturday?

A:            The current restrictions on viaticum and anointing of the sick remain in force; there is no exemption for Good Friday or Holy Saturday.


Q:            Will there be a solemn intercession added regarding the pandemic?

A:            Yes, the following intercession may be added: For the afflicted in time of pandemic

Let us pray also for all those who suffer the consequences of the current pandemic, that God the Father may grant health to the sick, strength to those who care for them, comfort to families and salvation to all the victims who have died.

Prayer in silence. Then the Priest says:

Almighty ever-living God, only support of our human weakness, look with compassion upon the sorrowful condition of your children who suffer because of this pandemic; relieve the pain of the sick, give strength to those who care for them, welcome into your peace those who have died and, throughout this time of tribulation, grant that we may all find comfort in your merciful love. Through Christ our Lord.  R/. Amen.


Q:            How will the veneration of the cross work?

A:            Obviously, the veneration cannot occur in the usual manner this year; however, veneration may certainly happen so long as the procession of the congregation to the cross maintains the required social distancing and no physical contact with the cross occurs. As always, only one cross may be used for veneration. A gesture such as a bow may be offered by each person in due turn.


Q:            Can the churches be open for personal prayer and devotions?

A:            To open the church for personal prayer or devotions, there must be arrangements made to register people entering the church for the legally required contact tracing. Hospitality ministers need to monitor and enforce social distancing and mask wearing regulations as well as continually sanitizing any surfaces touched by a visiting member. Praiseworthy practices such as praying in the presence of the veneration cross or reciting Stations of the Cross may be better suited to online expressions this year.


Q:            May people gather outside the church for the Solemn Blessing of the Vigil?

A:            The large gathering outside the church with the accompanying procession is not advisable. The blessing may occur either outside the church with a small group of necessary participants, or inside the church in view of the already assembled congregation while maintaining social distancing.


Q:            May the candles be distributed and lit among the congregation?

A:            Yes, this is possible. Arrangements should be made ahead of the vigil to give out and collect candles in a safe manner that adheres to COVID-19 protocols. Care needs to be taken when blowing out these candles to limit the spread of droplets or vapour.


Q:            Should the congregation be sprinkled with holy water as a part of the renewal of their promises?

A:            So long as the water that is used to sprinkle has not come into contact with any person then it may be used in the usual manner; however, it is not advisable. There is too great a psychological fear in many of our members about the spread of COVID-19 and so for pastoral reasons, it is recommended that the sprinkling be omitted or offered from the sanctuary.


Q:            Are there any additional restrictions being imposed during the liturgy of the Eucharist?

A:            No new restrictions are being imposed; all the current safety protocols remain in force


Q:            May communion be administered under the species of bread and wine?

A:            No, COVID-19 restrictions will not allow for a common cup.


Sources: Fr. Craig Cameron, Director of Liturgy, Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth; Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, circular letter, Paschale Solemnitatis, On Preparing and Celebrating the Paschal Feast, February 20, 1988.


From the Pastoral Directives issued by Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
January 26, 2021
Memorial of St. Timothy and St. Titus


Ash Wednesday – Distribution of Ashes in Time of Pandemic

The CCCB General Secretariat received from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments a document concerning Ash Wednesday (17 February 2021) and the Distribution of Ashes in the Time of the Pandemic.

In accordance with the Note from the Congregation, this year the ashes are to be imposed by sprinkling them on the head of the faithful.  The rite of sprinkling ashes on the head of the penitents is already a well-established and common practice in many countries across the world.

The Priest says the prayer for blessing the ashes. He sprinkles the ashes with holy water, without saying anything. Then he addresses all those present and only once says the formula as it appears in the Roman Missal, applying it to all in general: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel”, or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”.

The Priest then cleanses his hands, puts on a face mask and distributes the ashes to those who come to him or, if appropriate, he goes to those who are standing in their places. The Priest or Deacon takes the ashes and sprinkles them on the head of each one without saying anything.

Following this directive from Rome, we can sprinkle ashes on the top of the head or we could distribute ashes on the forehead using a cotton ball or maybe use a moistened Q-Tip that has to ensure that the ashes adhere to it.  Obviously, you would need a good supply of them since you cannot reuse them.


Feast of St. Blaise

With the feast of St. Blaise approaching on February 3, there is concern about offering the Blessing of Throats this year.  How do you bless throats without touching them?   

It has been suggested that instead of individual throat blessings, priests could extend their hands over the congregation without the crossed candles while imparting the prayer of blessing. This blessing would also be imparted to those who join livestream.



Provincial Update:
July 30, 2020

Premier Stephen McNeil and Dr. Robert Strang, chief medical officer of health for Nova Scotia, announced July 24, that masks will become mandatory in most indoor public places starting July 31.

Children under two are exempt, as well as children aged two to four when their caregiver cannot get them to wear a mask. People with a valid medical reason for not wearing a mask are exempt.

For places of worship,  the Public Health order has been clarified so that exemptions from wearing a mask include a performer or officiant in the course of performing activities requiring vocalization, such as talking or singing, at an event or activity

This includes a priest, deacon  or other person who is singing/chanting as part of a faith service/gathering.  

Indoor public places include places of worship or faith gatherings as well as 

— retail businesses
— shopping centres
— personal services businesses such as hair and nail salons, spas, body art facilities, except during services that require removing a mask
— restaurants and bars, except while people are eating or drinking
— places for cultural or entertainment services or activities such as movie theatres, concerts and other performances
— places for sports and recreational activities such as a gym, pool or indoor tennis facility, except while doing an activity where a mask cannot be worn
— places for events such as conferences and receptions
— municipal or provincial government locations offering services to the public
— common areas of tourist accommodations such as lobbies, elevators and hallways
— common areas of office buildings such as lobbies, elevators and hallways, but not private offices
— public areas of a university or college campus, such as library or student union building, but not classrooms, labs, offices or residences
— train or bus stations, ferry terminals and airports

Quick Facts:
— information about wearing a non-medical mask can be found at


Pastoral Letter From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
July 3, 2020
Feast of St Thomas the Apostle

With the June 26 COVID -19 Update, Premier McNeil and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health, changed their position from suggestion to recommendation that all residents of Nova Scotia should wear masks when physical distancing cannot be guaranteed.  It would be wise to recommend that all parishioners who want to attend a public indoor celebration of Mass wear a mask.  As noted in our Protocol for the Safe Re-Opening our Churches, that “in order to mitigate the potential spread of the virus, all those over the age of two are encouraged to wear a mask/face covering when physical distancing is not possible. While not mandatory, they are highly recommended for the congregation.”

It was also noted in the Protocol, Holy Communion is distributed by the priest, deacon and extraordinary minister of Communion and that all ministers of Holy Communion are to sanitize their hands before and after distributing the Eucharist.  The dialogue between the minister of Holy Communion and communicant occurs at 2 meters or 6 ft. physical distance. After the dialogue, the communicant approaches the minister who carefully places the Body of Christ in the communicant’s hand without touching the person. For the safety of the faithful and our clergy, as well as following the strong recommendation of medical authorities, Holy Communion is to be received only in the hand at this time. Since each communicant has the right to receive communion either on the tongue or in the hand, the traditional practice of the option of receiving on the tongue will be restored as soon as the public health situation allows for that.  It is noted that some may not agree with this position but I ask you to be mindful, this is indeed a pro-life issue and concerns the well-being of all people.

Communicants are recommended to wear a mask as they line up for Holy Communion, 2 meters (6 ft.) apart from others. They are to leave their mask on when they reply “Amen” (physically distanced) and during the period when the Host is placed in their hand. They step to one side, and at that point remove the mask in order to consume the Holy Eucharist, affixing the mask after consumption and returning to their place. It is desirable that the priest remind the people that they are to place one open hand upon the other to reverently receive the Sacred Host.  

I hope that this follow-up helps to clarify our pastoral directive.

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
Bishop of Antigonish

From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick:
June 26, 2020

In providing a COVID -19 update today, Premier McNeil and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health announced that effective July 3, the allowable numbers for gatherings at faith services will be increased from 50 people to 50% of the church’s seating capacity up to a maximum of 200 people, with physical distancing.  They have also changed their position from a suggestion to a recommendation that all residents of Nova Scotia should wear masks when physical distancing cannot be guaranteed. 

This news comes as we prepare to re-open our churches for the July 4/5 weekend. As Bishop, I support this directive that allows for more people to attend our churches. Our main concern is to continue to allow for 2 meters or 6 feet physical distancing at all times while also following our diocesan protocols that require cleaning and disinfecting.
Parishes are working individually to implement protocols for reopening.
Please check with your parish for times and procedures for attending Mass in person.

As a Diocese, we must continue to work together and assume the responsibility for re-opening our churches for the public celebration of Mass and the sacraments. We continue to ask for your full co-operation and patience as we do our very best to welcome back the faithful. At the core of who we are, as disciples of Christ is our love for God and love of our neighbour. Our hunger to return to our place of worship reveals our love for God. In the midst of this pandemic, we must absolutely be mindful of the safety of our neighbours. The risk of COVID-19 exposure and spread is still with us. While celebrations will be adapted to minimize this risk, it is hoped that our worship experience remains life-giving as we break open the Word of God and are fed by the Body of Christ.

Those who may not be able to attend church for health reasons or due to capacity restrictions are dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. I encourage parishes to continue to livestream, video or provide radio coverage of Masses.

May God bless each of you and those that you love. Welcome home.

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
Bishop of Antigonish


Questions and Answers



From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
June 19, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

On Thursday, June 18, we received word from Dr. Robert Strang, the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Nova Scotia that effective immediately there are changes to gathering limits in the province due to the lower rates of COVID -19.  The number increases from 10 to 50 people that can gather while maintaining 6 feet of physical distance; this includes those who gather for religious/faith services.

This is good news for all places of worship. We need time now to plan and prepare for safe re-opening. As Bishop, I am prepared to allow that, in a few week’s time, our churches may re-open for public worship with no more than 50 people PROVIDED we can follow our forthcoming diocesan protocols which will require cleaning and disinfecting, as well as ensuring the required physical distancing at all times. If we are successful in taking these small steps forward, we anticipate approval for larger gatherings in the near future.

Not all of our parishes will be prepared to re-open so soon and that is fine.  We need to be confident that we have enough volunteers, cleaning supplies, and instructional information in place to ensure the safety of all, including our clergy.

Those who may not be able to attend church for health reasons or due to capacity restrictions are dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass.  I encourage our parishes to continue to livestream, video or provide radio coverage of Masses.

Yours in Christ,

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
Bishop of Antigonish



June 11, 2020

In the Diocese of Antigonish, as of June 11, 2020, the following regulations adopted entirely from the Archdiocese of Halifax are updated and in effect in the Diocese of Antigonish until further direction is provided:

  1. Churches will remain closed to the public for private prayer, devotions, and the celebration of Mass (livestream and video Mass can continue)
  2. By way of exception, the church may be used for funerals and weddings, following the new “10-person rule.”
  3. If the church is used for a funeral, the following is to be observed:
    1. The funeral home staff, with the pallbearers (wearing masks) will bring in the remains to the front of the church.  They would leave the church and then the mourners would enter wearing face-masks.
    2. The prescribed Catholic ritual will be the Funeral Liturgy Outside Mass.
    3. When the liturgy ends, the mourners leave the church and the pallbearers and funeral staff return and take the remains to the hearse.
    4. In the event of a cremation, with the family bringing the urn, there would be no need for the family to wait to enter the church.
    5. Live streaming of the service is permitted.
  4. During the internment at the cemetery, the funeral home staff, and pallbearers (wearing masks) would bring the remains to the graveside and leave the area.  The priest or deacon would arrive with the mourners (because this is outside, there can be 15 mourners).  Following the prayers, the mourners leave and then the cemetery staff complete their work.
  5. For weddings, the priest or deacon together with the couple, two witnesses and 6 more people can gather at the Church (photographers, cantor, any musicians make up part of the 10).  The prescribed Catholic ritual will be the Order of Celebrating Matrimony without Mass.  Live steaming of the service is permitted.
  6. The Sacrament of Baptism is to be delayed; if this is not possible, then the 10-person rule is to apply.
  7. Sacrament of Penance may be arranged through appointment.
  8. In all these circumstances, the rules of social distancing must be observed, as well as hygiene protocols such as ensuring that the church is cleaned and made safe.

We do not know how long these protocols will be in place. We only know these directives are designed to keep our communities and ourselves healthy and safe from this global pandemic. Until we can again celebrate Mass in person, we are invited to:

  • Offer a Prayer of Spiritual Communion and join in a Mass via Facebook, YouTube, radio or television
  • Offer a Prayer and Act of Contrition as Reconciliation
  • Read Bishop Kirkpatrick’s letters and updates. As he said in his Easter message:
    “As a people of faith with the help of the Holy Spirit we will get through this together.”


Bishop Kirkpatrick’s Pastoral Letter
Pentecost 2020

Dear Clergy, Religious and Faithful of the Diocese of Antigonish,

In my Lenten Letter, I spoke of the need to have an attitude of gratitude, remembering where we have come from, and where we are going with Christ and most importantly because of Christ. The sacrificial offering of Lent is ongoing as we endure this COVID -19 pandemic, and our faith continues to sustain us. In addition to the suffering and deaths from this pandemic, we have witnessed wave upon wave of tragedy in our province. We have been isolating and we have felt isolated especially from our families and church communities.

I know it is a great sacrifice not to be able to receive Holy Communion. Social distancing has caused a kind of involuntary fasting from sacramental reception of the Eucharist, and like all fasting, it should increase our desire for its return. This time of fasting also provides an opportunity to understand the Eucharist more fully as an act of self-offering joined to the perfect offering of Christ, the immaculate Victim. The Mass is much more than just celebrating a ritual in order to receive Holy Communion; it is our participation in Christ’s perfect offering of himself and all of creation to the Father, and culminates in our reception of Holy Communion.

While we cannot now gather publicly, our priests continue to celebrate daily Masses, and I am grateful that so many pastors have been offering Mass through social media. We continue to pray for an end to the pandemic, as Pope Francis has encouraged. On May 1st, our clergy gathered in solidarity through social media with clergy from every other diocese in Canada to consecrate our country to Mary.

The doors of our churches are closed, but much has been happening in our Diocese and in the whole church. Since my Installation as Bishop in early February, we have had four Council of Priests Meetings through Zoom technology. I am pleased to announce the appointment of our new Vicar General, Father Thomas MacNeil who will assist in serving the Diocese. We have a new webmaster, Deacon Shawn Bigley and within a few weeks, we will launch a new, more user-friendly website. I have expressed our thanks to our retirees, our former Vicar General, Father Paul Abbass and our former webmaster, Deacon Art Riley. I have also written several pastoral letters, mostly informing and encouraging our clergy.

I have participated in six Zoom meetings with the Atlantic Bishops including our Spring Plenary on May 29. We have discussed common issues, including protocols for re-opening our churches. I want to assure you that we are getting closer to re-opening our churches. Our public celebrations of the sacraments were suspended, not out of fear, but out of the deepest respect for human life and health. We are a pro-life church and this pandemic is a pro-life issue. I participated in a Zoom meeting with Doctor Robert Strang, our Provincial Medical Officer of Health, the two archbishops of Halifax, and several members of other religious traditions to share our concerns and ideas for moving forward; we plan to meet again on June 15. As a Diocese, we are currently working on a plan to establish safety guidelines and protocols when we re-open our churches. All of our parishes will follow a common plan of action. We will wait to open our churches when it is safe and when we are prepared to do so.

Unfortunately, this will not happen on Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is an important feast day and I have learned that the Mi’kmaq people especially were saddened to cancel their Pentecost celebrations. They have a special affinity to the gift of Holy Spirit at work in our lives. I hope that we can all celebrate the gift of Holy Spirit.

As we know, Jesus had promised his Apostles that “the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you” (John 14:26). That promise was fulfilled when the Spirit of God came down on that first Pentecost in wind and fire (cf. Acts 2:14). We should remember though, that what happened on that first Pentecost was not a one-time event. That was only the beginning. This mystery, the coming of the Holy Spirit, continues in our own day because, while the Spirit does not always come in great signs and wonders as it did for Mary and the Apostles, the Holy Spirit is always present and active in our hearts and in the life of the church.

We may struggle to understand the gift of the Holy Spirit. We cannot see wind. We can only see or feel or hear the effects that tell us the wind is there, all around us. We know the wind by its effects that sometimes comfort and at other times, refresh and still other times, destroy. Like the wind, fire can comfort, or refresh, or destroy. Wind and fire are sensual reminders of the power behind and beyond them, like the Spirit of God that we celebrate on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit transforms our minds, hearts and beings.

The coming of the Holy Spirit provided the apostles with the energy, momentum, enthusiasm, courage, and passion to get on with the task Christ had given them. The Holy Spirit would help them, but not do it for them. The change in them did not come about in an instant. It had to be a gradual thing. It had to be a growth process. As we know, growth can be slow and painful. We do not easily let go of our old ways, old habits, old attitudes.

We know people can change when they are given hope, when someone believes in them and gives them a task to do. Above all, people can change when they know they are loved. They come out of their shells and hidden energies are released in them. We too need someone to empower us so that we are able to take charge of our lives, and live them responsibly. This means being willing to change what needs to be changed in our lives. We need empowerment in order to witness to our Christian faith. The power that changed the apostles is available to us too. We need the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit energizes and strengthens our spirits and purifies our hearts. The Holy Spirit helps us to change our ways and we will need to change our ways as we move through this pandemic. It will not be back to normal but forward to normal.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, may we become more Christ-like and continue to be open to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we pray: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love to renew the face of the earth. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and direct us during these difficult days.

(Most Rev.) Wayne Kirkpatrick
Bishop of the Diocese of Antigonish


Bishop's Previous Letters and Updates

Annunciation of the Lord
March 25, 2020

My Dear People,

I am grateful to our Clergy, as well as our diocesan and parish staff and to all the people of our Diocese who are working together. It is clear that our response to this coronavirus certainly brings out the best in people. We are blessed with such dedicated people who continue to minister to the people of our Diocese.

Following a Decree issued on March 19 by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Father Conrad Edwards, Chair of our Diocesan Liturgical Commission has assisted in the preparation of an update to our Pastors concerning Holy Week. We will postpone the Mass of Chrism but the Easter Triduum cannot be postponed. Pastors will celebrate Holy Week privately since we still cannot offer any public Masses and liturgies during this time.

Cathy Farrow, our Managing Director / Diocesan Financial Administrator has been in communication with other Financial Administrators from across the Atlantic Provinces. She has prepared a document to inform and assist our Pastors with financial impacts given the provincial state of emergency regulations.

It is clear that we need to stay home following the directives and guidelines of the Premier and the Nova Scotia Chief Medical Officer of Health, as well all official advisories from our federal and provincial governments.

While respecting the law and encouraging people not to gather, we are witnessing some novel ways to minister to people. We are so fortunate to have a Diocesan Mass for Shut Ins, those who are homebound. CTV has been hosting this Mass for 57 years now and currently Father Patrick O’Neil is the Director. We are likewise fortunate to participate in the National Catholic Broadcasting Council’s Daily and Sunday Televised Mass offered through Salt & Light which is now offered free until May 1st on all Canadian cable networks. A number of our parishes are also celebrating Mass through social media. Parishes are using creative ways to connect with the vulnerable to ensure that no one is completely isolated and alone. At various times, Pope Francis has asked us to offer prayers at the same time throughout the world.

This Season of Lent has been a world-wide time of Penance but we remain strong and determined through our common prayer. As a people of faith with the help of the Holy Spirit we will get through this together.

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
Diocese of Antigonish


From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
March 17th, 2020

My dear people,

In facing the most serious health concerns of recent memory we are indeed living in troubled times but “Do not be afraid”.  We are not dealing with an unexpected tsunami but rather more with the rising waters of the coronavirus which threaten to overwhelm us and our well being if we do not take appropriate measures.  We need to flatten the wave and help slow the spread of this coronavirus called Covid-19.  If we have been following the news, we know the situation is very fluid with different rules across the country on different timetables. There have been a patchwork of policies and restrictions which seem to be changing on a daily basis with so many people looking for direction and reassurance.

What are we to do amid this turmoil?
We are all concerned about the most vulnerable, given their age and health concerns and this includes our clergy.  The medical advice we receive is to avoid gathering in large groups.  We do not want to overwhelm our health care system and so we must take all pre-cautions necessary.

We will follow the directives and guidelines of Nova Scotia Chief Medical Officer of Health. We will heed all official advisories, including the latest guidance from federal and provincial governments.

For this reason, as Diocesan Bishop, after having consulted our Council of Priests and College of Consultors and the Bishops of Atlantic Canada, I am directing that all Sunday and Weekday Masses be cancelled effective immediately until further notice.   We cannot put a time frame on when the situation will improve.

I ask each Pastor to celebrate privately Sunday Mass for intentions of their people.  I hereby dispense the faithful from the obligation to participate in the Sunday Mass until we are able to again assemble for the Lord’s Day in accord with directives from our health officials.  Daily televised Mass is offered as an alternative, as the faithful gather to pray in their homes.  Particular care should be given to ensure that the vulnerable are not alone. Parishes may explore creative ways to connect with the vulnerable through phone calls and visits where appropriate.

I do not believe it is prudent to keep our churches open since visitation by unknown people especially the ill and the vulnerable may also cause unnecessary risk of exposure since the churches are not cleaned daily.   All parish and diocesan meetings, events, celebrations, catechetical formation programmes and any other activities in the coming weeks should be cancelled until further notice.

In compliance with federal and provincial health directives regarding the size of the crowd and personal distance between individuals, I direct the following:

  • Baptisms may be celebrated privately with just immediate family members present.
  • Weddings may be celebrated privately outside of Mass with just immediate family members present.
  • Funerals may be celebrated privately outside of Mass with just immediate family members present.  There should be no public receptions permitted at the church during this time.
  • Mindful of good hygiene and hand washing, pastors are encouraged to reach out to the sick and elderly to ensure they receive the Sacrament of the Sick and pastoral care as needed.
  • The Sacrament of Penance may be celebrated at any time as scheduled or when the pastor is available.
  • Later on, we will address the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation with the Pastors.  We continue to pray together for those affected by this coronavirus as well as all healthcare providers, caregivers and researchers.  We pray especially to St. Joseph who is the patron saint and protector of the universal Church and the principal patron saint of Canada.

Life will be different for a while from the way we live and especially not being able to worship in our churches, such challenging days actually brings out the best in people.  We will weather this storm through our common prayer and by working together. “Keep Calm and Carry On.”

(Most Rev.) Wayne Kirkpatrick
Bishop of Antigonish


From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
March 13, 2020

While our area is considered a low risk for the spread of the coronavirus, we should not be complacent. The province has recommended that public gatherings be less than 150 people and that anyone travelling from outside Canada should self-isolate for 14 days. We all need to be proactive and take responsible measures.

I invite all parishes to adopt the following measures:

o Remove the Holy Water from the fonts.
o Refrain from shaking hands at the Sign of Peace.
o Refrain from distribution of Holy Communion from the Chalice to all people including lay ministers.
o People should also be encouraged to receive Holy Communion in their hand and not on the tongue.

Remind your people that they are excused from their Sunday obligation of attending Mass if they are unwell. This same principle applies to anyone with underlying medical conditions or compromised health issues who may be more vulnerable to illness if exposed to any virus.

Everyone is urged to practice good hygiene with proper hand-washing and sneezing or coughing into your sleeve and not your hands. Avoid touching your face. Avoid unnecessary contact with those who are ill.

While we continue to monitor the situation, and being attentive to the direction of our health care officials, we are not recommending any changes to the Mass schedules at this time.

We continue to pray for those affected by this coronavirus as well as all healthcare providers, caregivers and researchers.

Sincerely in Christ,

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
Bishop of Antigonish



March 6, 2020

As you are aware, active cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide have led to some understandable concern among the faithful.  As the local headlines indicate, testing is happening daily in Nova Scotia, but there are no positive caseshere.  As a local Church our goal is to act responsibly, based on credible information from reliable sources.

There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs. Take these everyday steps to reduce exposure to the virus and protect your health:

  • wash your hands often with soap and water 
  • sneeze and cough into your sleeve
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • avoid contact with people who are sick
  • stay home if you are sick

Regarding liturgical practices, local health officials have not indicated that it is necessary to alter current practices at this time. We can remind our people that receiving from the Cup is optional.  Parishes are encouraged to use the above information to remind parishioners about the importance of practicing healthy hygiene. Parishes should ensure that those distributing communion wash their hands before and after the distribution of communion (if you are able).  As we know exchanging a sign of peace may be done without shaking hands.

Please continue to pray for all those impacted by the coronavirus. Be assured that we will continue to monitor the situation as well as the advise of local health officials and keep you updated as appropriate.

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick
Bishop of Antigonish

Churches Online

Link to Directory

Act of Spiritual Communion

An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Dearest Jesus,

I believe that You are present in the most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot, at this moment, receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from you.



Government updates re Covid-19:

Nova Scotia



Hope, Gratitude and Solidarity

  • Nancy Forrest - June 16, 2020

    Dear Bishop Kirkpatrick when will our churches be opening? Ontario catholic churches are open and they have a lot more covid cases than us, it’s time for our churches to open too, if Bars and shopping malls etc etc can be open there is no excuse for our churches not to be open. Mass and the sacraments are an essential service. Please be our good shepherd and bring the lamb of God back to us, we need “Him”.

    • Denisse - June 16, 2020

      Dear Bishop Kirkpatrick
      I am agree with Nancy Forrest and I am concerned that the church continues to remain closed than any virus cause many places are reopen already, with Jesus present in the sacraments are an essential service for the salvation of our souls, keeping the church closed is not giving salvation to anyone.

  • Peggy MacKinnon - June 17, 2020

    Dear Bishop Kirkpatrick: I just read your e-mail from Nancy Forrest and it says exactly what I was going to ask of you. I also read your letter and now realize that you are having a meeting soon and are trying as much as possible to arrange for the opening of our churches. I also know that you realize how much we are missing our sacraments especially the Eucharist. I know we haven’t met yet but I look forward to it sometime.
    Sincerely, Peggy MacKinnon from St. Barra Parish including St. Columba Church. I also attend St. Michael’s Church in Baddeck.

  • MALCOLM DP BROWN - June 18, 2020

    Nice web-site; good work! Am sure as time progresses it will be well used.
    As for “the church” reopening I agree with proceeding with the greatest of caution. They are not closed to deprive anyone of their spiritual devotions; they are closed to protect our health, and ultimately, our lives. As we’ve agreed for many years “the church” is the community/communion of people, not the building

  • Michael McKenna - December 15, 2021

    Dear Wayne,
    In reference to your xovid update letter of December 14, 2021. What a sad and defeatist tone you have struck with your endorsement of the covid hysteria. We need to pray for you more and harder that you take up your cross. A brief lesson on the Catholic Faith seems in order as well. We do not have faith services. We have the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass. Respectfully, Michael McKenna