Three Days but One Feast- Celebrating the Triduum in the Parish The Triduum liturgy is the culmination of

New Appointments, October 2023
October 23, 2023 NEW APPOINTMENTS Rev. Andrew Gillies in addition to serving at St. Mary Church, Mabou, will

Praying for Those in the Holy Land
The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, has called for a day of prayer and fasting on

Laudate Deum: To All People of Good Will on the Climate Crisis
This new Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis was released on October 4, the Feast of St.Francis of Assisi

Hope in a Time of Climate Emergency:
Lessons from Laudato Si’ Dr. Hilda Koster presenting at St. Francis Xavier University on Sunday, Oct. 1, 3:30

Season of Creation
“Let Justice and Peace Flow … like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream” (Amos 5:24) Season

Pastoral Letter and New Appointments
August 2023 My Dear People, We are grateful to almighty God for the blessing of a new deacon.

New Chapter for Our Lady of Grace Monastery
Our Lady of Grace Monastery has entered a new chapter in its evolution as a sacred space of

One Year Later: A Retrospective on the Holy Father’s Visit to Canada
Media Release from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Ottawa – July 26, 2023 – On the

Pastoral Appointments 2023
Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick announces the following pastoral appointments: Priests new to our diocese Rev. Tom Stephan from