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Blessed Carlo Acutis: Relic visit Oct. 21 and 22


“To always be close to JESUS, that’s my life plan.”

Blessed Carlo Acutis was a computer enthusiast … some would say, a genius with technology. Not unusual for a teenaged boy. What set Carlo apart from a very young age was his devotion to his faith, especially the Eucharist. His mother tells of his dedication in attending daily Mass and exposition, a steadfast practice that eventually  encouraged his ‘Christmas and Easter’ family to engage more fully in their faith journeys as well. 


The Eucharist, he said, was his ‘highway to Heaven.’ He employed the information highway and his genius to share his devotion and knowledge of the faith. He built websites, created comics, developed computer software and volunteered with the elderly and the poor. He lived and shared our Catholic faith with people of all ages the world over, providing invitation and sustenance for for those seeking hope, knowledge, and belonging in the Kingdom of God. 

“All people are born as originals but many die as photocopies.” 

Carlo died in 2006, at age 15. He was declared Blessed by Pope Francis on Oct. 10, 2020 and will be canonized in 2025 during the Jubilee Year.


For more on Blessed Carlo’s life, including prayers and novenas, visit:




What is a relic? Why is it on tour?

From the Vandmecum Reliquie, Diocese of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino:

Christian relics are bodily remains, instruments of martyrdom or everyday objects attributed to saints or blesseds venerated by the Church, preserved in sacred places and venerated in worship. 

In the New Testament, a miraculous value was assigned to those things that came into contact with “he who heals.” The haemorrhaging woman who, by touching only Christ’s cloak, heals from her bleeding: ” If I am able only to touch his cloak, I will be healed ” (Mk 5:28). There is the case of the handkerchiefs that came into contact with the body of Saint Paul and which were then placed on the sick, who recovered ( Acts 19:12).

The custom of venerating and remembering a Saint through the preservation of their remains dates back to the first centuries of Christianity. The martyrdom of Saint Stephen and the placement of his relics witnesses to the preservation and veneration of the body of a saint for the first time.

Anyone who venerates the Saint participates in him. By glorifying his remains, one enters into a relationship with him, and, consequently, shares in his experience of the Divine. 

The pilgrim relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis is a very large fragment of the pericardium, the structure of membranes that envelop and protect the heart from dangers and infections. This relic is currently touring Canada and will be venerated in our diocese on October 21 and 22. The relic will also be venerated in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth during the Eucharistic Congress on Oct. 17-19



Celebration Details:

Monday, Oct. 21
Our Lady of Fatima, Sydney River

3:00pm Rosary with Talk by Fr. David Rankin in anticipation of the relic’s arrival.

6:00pm Mass with homily by Anthony Figueiredo, STD, guardian of the relics.

Eucharistic Adoration for half hour following Mass.

Confessions will be available in the evening.

Prayer cards available to write your own intention. There will be collected and intentions offered at a Mass in Assisi, Italy, home of the body of Blessed Carlo.

A basket for free-will offering will be available to help defray costs of relic travelling.


Tuesday, Oct. 22
St. Ninian Cathedral, Antigonish

11 am:  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

2 pm: Display of the relic begins 
Msgr. Anthony Figuereido will talk about Blessed Carlo and lead prayers.
Prayer, opportunities for confession, and fellowship room available with refreshments throughout the afternoon

4:30 pm: Chili supper, special presentation by Catholic youth and a  “Journeying with Christ” session. All are invited to attend.

6:30 pm: Mass celebrated by Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick, including a special blessing with the relic, followed by a concluding reception.

If your parish would like to bring a group of youth or a large group of faithful, please contact St. Ninian Cathedral at admin@saintninian.ca or (902)863-2338 to help in planning for food preparation


Communications Officer, Diocese of Antigonish