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Bishop’s Christmas Message 2023

“The greatest Christmas gift of all
Was never placed beneath a tree
He lay within a manger
For all the world to see.”

(From a Christmas card received in 2023)


Christmas 2023

Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards All

The beginning of the new year is entrusted to Mary Most Holy whom we celebrate as the Mother of God. As we contemplate Mary in the stable where Jesus was born, we are reminded that Mary did not speak. She welcomed the mystery with awe, she cherished everything in her heart, and, above all, she lovingly took care of the Child who lay in the manger. As we see Mary taking care of her Child, let us learn to take care of others and ourselves, caring for our physical and mental health, our spiritual life, and also our environment and common home. Even more so let us learn to care for our brothers and sisters in need who call for our attention and compassion.

In November, Pope Francis said, “Every human being, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, of any people or religion, every human being is sacred, is precious in the eyes of God and has the right to live in peace. Let us not lose hope: let us pray and work tirelessly so that the sense of humanity may prevail over hardness of heart.” We must promote actions that enhance peace and put an end to the conflicts and wars that continue to promote poverty and death. In addition to praying for an end to all wars, we also need to join together in caring for our common home by implementing effective measures to combat climate change. There can be no peace on Earth with ongoing wars and conflicts and there can be no peace on Earth with devastating droughts, wildfires and floods that clearly demonstrate a need to change for the better.

We can and must do better if we are to live in a world of peace and prosperity for all people. In the words of an old song, “let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” May Mary Immaculate, Mother of Jesus and Queen of Peace, intercede for us and for the whole world. May you and your families have a peaceful and joyous Christmas Season.


+ Wayne Joseph Kirkpatrick 


The Most Rev. William McGrattan, Bishop of Calgary
President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Dear friends,

The Christmas season is an invitation to experience the renewed joy and hope that comes to us in the realization of God’s promises. In the words of Pope Francis: “It returns us to the horizon of hope, a horizon that does not disappoint because it is founded on the Word of God”. This hope is what we desire in our hearts despite the darkness that can permeate our world. In our current times the reality of war and terrorism, violence and hate crimes, economic and social injustices continue to disfigure our shared dignity as human beings and the world in which we live.

In the Solemnity of the Birth of Jesus we celebrate the Incarnate Word, the nearness of God which has transformed human history and restores to humanity this profound gift of hope and joy. It is when we choose to draw near to others that we can experience this gift of Christ’s presence in our brothers and sisters. It happens on a daily basis in ordinary and also profound ways. It is found in those who give their lives to pursue freedom and justice for the oppressed, those who advocate in promoting human life from conception to natural death, those who care for and visit the sick, those who serve at foodbanks and all who are close to those who suffer the loss of a love one, separation from family, and who are imprisoned with the addictions that afflict their life.

In this Christmas season we will hear the proclamation of the Word of God in celebration of the Eucharist. May our lives be founded on this Word which confirms us in the hope and the joy of the Gospel message which is echoed in the song of the angels each Christmas… “Rejoice a Saviour has been born for us”!

May the humble witness of our faith and service be the joyous gift we give to others to restore in them the hope which is promised in this Christmas Season. God’s blessings in the New Year. 



Mgr William McGrattan Évêque de Calgary
Président de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada

Chers amis,

Le temps de Noël est une invitation à faire l’expérience de la joie et de l’espérance renouvelées qui nous viennent de la réalisation des promesses de Dieu. Comme l’a dit le pape François, il « nous redonne l’horizon de l’espérance, une espérance qui ne déçoit pas parce qu’elle est fondée sur la Parole de Dieu ». Cette espérance est ce que nous désirons dans nos cœurs malgré les ténèbres qui peuvent imprégner notre monde. Actuellement, la réalité de la guerre et du terrorisme, la violence et les crimes de haine, les injustices économiques et sociales continuent de défigurer notre dignité commune en tant qu’êtres humains et le monde dans lequel nous vivons.

En la solennité de la naissance de Jésus, nous célébrons le Verbe incarné, la proximité de Dieu qui a transformé l’histoire humaine et redonne à l’humanité ce don profond de l’espérance et de la joie. C’est en choisissant de nous rapprocher des autres que nous pouvons faire l’expérience de ce don de la présence du Christ dans nos frères et sœurs. Cela se passe au quotidien, de manière ordinaire mais aussi profonde. On la trouve chez ceux et celles qui donnent leur vie pour défendre la liberté et la justice pour les personnes opprimées, chez ceux et celles qui défendent la vie humaine de la conception à la mort naturelle, chez ceux et celles qui soignent et visitent les personnes malades, chez ceux et celles qui servent dans les banques alimentaires et chez tous ceux et celles qui sont proches des personnes qui souffrent de la perte d’un être cher, qui sont séparées de leur famille et qui sont emprisonnées en raison des dépendances qui affligent leur vie.

En ce temps de Noël, nous entendrons la proclamation de la Parole de Dieu dans la célébration de l’Eucharistie. Que nos vies soient fondées sur cette Parole qui nous confirme dans l’espérance et la joie du message évangélique dont le chant des anges se fait l’écho à chaque Noël… « Réjouissez-vous, un Sauveur nous est né ! »

Que l’humble témoignage de notre foi et de notre service soit le joyeux cadeau que nous offrons aux autres pour leur redonner cette espérance promise en cette période de Noël. Que Dieu nous bénisse en cette nouvelle année.

Communications Officer, Diocese of Antigonish