From Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick April 5, 2022 During Holy Week this year, we will be able to retain

Churches Online
Mass for Shut-Ins Sundays 11:30 am on CTV Video on Diocese of Antigonish YouTube Channel: Or the

Our own story becomes part of every great story
The importance of our story is the theme for this year’s World Communications Day. MESSAGE OF HIS

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick – Do not be afraid
My dear people, In facing the most serious health concerns of recent memory we are indeed living in

Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick – Do not be complacent
While our area is considered a low risk for the spread of the coronavirus, we should not be

Consecration to Mary, Mother of God
Consecration to Mary, Mother of God We are joining with those across Canada and the United States in

Prayers for Nova Scotia
The blue and white of our Province are displayed across the country and people around the world are

Ecumenism Letter 2018
Pastoral Letter on the Call of Ecumenism / Lettre pastorale: L’appel à l’œcuménisme Bishop Brian Dunn “The call of

Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart
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